Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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ISO 26142:2010

Hydrogen detection apparatus — Stationary applications

May 14, 2010

General information

90.93     Jan 25, 2021


ISO/TC 197

International Standard

71.020     71.100.20  




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ISO 26142:2010 defines the performance requirements and test methods of hydrogen detection apparatus that is designed to measure and monitor hydrogen concentrations in stationary applications. The provisions in ISO 26142:2010 cover the hydrogen detection apparatus used to achieve the single and/or multilevel safety operations, such as nitrogen purging or ventilation and/or system shut-off corresponding to the hydrogen concentration. The requirements applicable to the overall safety system, as well as the installation requirements of such apparatus, are excluded. ISO 26142:2010 sets out only the requirements applicable to a product standard for hydrogen detection apparatus, such as precision, response time, stability, measuring range, selectivity and poisoning.
ISO 26142:2010 is intended to be used for certification purposes.

Life cycle


ISO 26142:2010
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jan 25, 2021

National adoptions

Hydrogen detection apparatus — Stationary applications

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 19 more