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ISO 7718-1:2009

Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge — Part 1: Main deck doors

Mar 9, 2009
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Dec 12, 2016

General information

95.99     Dec 12, 2016


ISO/TC 20/SC 9

International Standard





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ISO 7718-1:2009 specifies minimum requirements for dimensions and unobstructed space around main-deck passenger doors of future types of civil-passenger transport aircraft when they are intended to be compatible with the thousands of passenger boarding bridges and passenger transfer vehicles existing, or being planned, in airports worldwide.
ISO 7718-1:2009 is not applicable to existing models of civil transport aircraft, or derivative models with the same fuselage, for which the aircraft-mating section of passenger boarding bridges or passenger transfer vehicles is expected to be compatible with ISO 16004.
ISO 7718-1:2009 is not intended to restrict in any way the basic design of any future types of civil-passenger transport aircraft. However, it aims to clarify for aircraft-design engineers the design characteristics that would make it difficult, or impossible, for a new type of aircraft to connect adequately with existing airport passenger boarding bridges or passenger transfer vehicles.
If, on a future model, basic aircraft-design requirements impose certain dimensional characteristics that do not comply with ISO 7718-1:2009, one of the following will apply, and in each case, aircraft-handling constraints and operating costs will increase:

alternative methods of embarking/disembarking passengers (e.g. integral aircraft stairs) will need to be implemented; or
existing passenger boarding bridges and/or passenger transfer vehicles will need to be modified/reworked to some extent in the airports where this type of new aircraft will operate; or
additional interface devices/equipment will be needed to connect this type of new aircraft with existing passenger boarding bridges and passenger transfer vehicles.

Life cycle


ISO 7718:2003


ISO 7718-1:2009
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Dec 12, 2016


ISO 7718-1:2009/DAmd 1


ISO 7718-1:2016