Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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ISO 4866:2010

Mechanical vibration and shock — Vibration of fixed structures — Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on structures

Mar 1, 2010

General information

90.93     Jun 30, 2021


ISO/TC 108/SC 2

International Standard

91.120.25     17.160  

English   French  



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ISO 4866:2010 establishes principles for carrying out vibration measurement and processing data with regard to evaluating vibration effects on structures. It does not cover the source of excitation except when the source dictates dynamic range, frequency or other relevant parameters. The evaluation of the effects of structural vibration is primarily obtained from the response of the structure, using appropriate analytical methods by which the frequency, duration and amplitude can be defined. ISO 4866:2010 only deals with the measurement of structural vibration and excludes the measurement of airborne sound pressure and other pressure fluctuations, although response to such excitations is taken into consideration.
ISO 4866:2010 applies to all structures built above or below ground. Such structures are used or maintained and include buildings, structures of archaeological and historical value (cultural heritage), bridges and tunnels, gas and liquid installations including pipelines, earth structures (e.g. dykes and embankments), and fixed marine installations (e.g. quays and wharfs).
ISO 4866:2010 does not apply to some special structures, including nuclear plants and dams.
The response of structures depends upon the excitation. ISO 4866:2010 examines the methods of measurement as affected by the source of excitation, i.e. frequency, duration, and amplitude as induced by any source (e.g. earthquake, hurricane, explosion, wind loading, airborne noise, sonic boom, internal machinery, traffic, and construction activities).

Life cycle


ISO 4866:1990/Amd 2:1996

ISO 4866:1990

ISO 4866:1990/Amd 1:1994


ISO 4866:2010
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jun 30, 2021

National adoptions

Mechanical vibration and shock — Vibration of fixed structures — Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on structures

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 12 more