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ISO/TS 13399-2:2005

Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 2: Reference dictionary for the cutting items

Feb 21, 2005
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Feb 7, 2014

General information

95.99     Feb 7, 2014



Technical Specification

35.240.50     25.100.01  




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ISO/TS 13399-2:2005 specifies a reference dictionary for cutting items, together with their descriptive properties and domains of values, for use in cutting tool data representation. The reference dictionary contains definitions and identifications of the classes of cutting items and their features, together with an associated classification scheme, definitions and identifications of the data element types that represent the properties of cutting items and their features, and definitions and identifications of domains of values for describing those data element types.
It is applicable to standard data that represent the various classes of cutting items and cutting item features, standard data that represent the various properties of cutting items and cutting item features, standard data that represent domains of values used for properties of cutting items and cutting item features, definitions of reference systems for cutting items and their properties, and an implementation method by which the standard data defined in this Technical Specification may be exchanged, specified in ISO 10303-21.
It is not applicable to applications where these standard data may be stored or referenced, implementation methods other than the one defined in this Technical Specification by which the standard data may be exchanged and referenced, information model for cutting tools, definitions of classes and properties for tool items, definitions of classes and properties for adaptive items, or definitions of classes and properties for assembly items and auxiliary items.

Life cycle


ISO/TS 13399-2:2005
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Feb 7, 2014


ISO/TS 13399-2:2005/Cor 1:2011


ISO/TS 13399-2:2014