Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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ISO 11843-4:2003

Capability of detection — Part 4: Methodology for comparing the minimum detectable value with a given value

Nov 4, 2003

General information

90.93     Jul 29, 2020


ISO/TC 69/SC 6

International Standard

03.120.30     17.020  

English   French  



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ISO 11843-4:2003 deals with the assessment of the capability of detection of a measurement method without the assumptions in ISO 11843-2 of a linear calibration curve and certain relationships between the residual standard deviation and the value of the net state variable
Instead of estimating the minimum detectable value, ISO 11843-4:2003 provides a criterion for judging whether the minimum detectable value is less than a given level of the net state variable, and the basic experimental design for testing the conformity of this criterion.

Life cycle


ISO 11843-4:2003
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jul 29, 2020

National adoptions

Capability of detection — Part 4: Methodology for comparing the minimum detectable value with a given value

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 12 more