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IEC 61234-2:1997 ED1

Electrical insulating materials - Methods of test for the hydrolytic stability - Part 2: Moulded thermosets

Sep 10, 1997

General information

60.60     Sep 10, 1997


TC 112

International Standard

13.260     29.240.20     29.260.99  

English   French  



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Describes the test method for determination of hydrolytic stability of moulded thermosets made of room temperature or oven-curing reaction resins when subjected to simultaneous influence of water and high temperature. With this test method, irreversible change of mechanical and electrical properties is measured, but no mechanical stress is imposed on the test specimens.

Life cycle


IEC 61234-2:1997 ED1
60.60 Standard published
Sep 10, 1997