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IEC 60601-2-54:2009 ED1

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-54: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for radiography and radioscopy

Jun 29, 2018

General information

99.60     Sep 26, 2022


TC 62/SC 62B

International Standard


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IEC 60601-2-54:2009 applies to the basic safety and essential performance of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems intended to be used for projection radiography and radioscopy. The minimum safety requirements specified in this particular standard are considered to provide for a practical degree of safety in the operation of ME equipment for radiography and radioscopy. Requirements for additional provisions for ME equipment for interventional applications are covered by IEC 60601-2-43. IEC 60601-2-54:2009 has been developed for use with the third edition of IEC 60601-1 (2005) and its collateral standards.

IEC 60601-2-54:2009 is about type testing of X-ray systems. For the type test of a given product only one particular standard applies. Thus, IEC 60601-2-28 cannot be used in the type test according to IEC 60601-2-54:2009. The system aspects of the X-ray source integrated into X-ray systems are covered by IEC 60601-2-54:2009.

IEC 60601-2-32 and IEC 60601-2-7, which had been written for use with the second edition of IEC 60601-1 (1988), cannot be used with the third edition of IEC 60601-1 (2005) and IEC 60601-2-54.

The contents of the corrigenda of March 2010 and June 2011 have been included in this copy.

Life cycle


IEC 60601-2-32:1994 ED1


IEC 60601-2-54:2009 ED1
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Sep 26, 2022


IEC 60601-2-54:2022 ED2