Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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IEC TR 60076-26:2020 ED1

Power transformers - Part 26: Functional requirements of insulating liquids for use in power transformers

Mar 26, 2020

General information

60.60     Mar 26, 2020


TC 14

Technical Report





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IEC TR 60076-26: 2020 which is a Technical Report, provides the functional requirements of insulating liquids that are considered necessary for use in power transformers, including, for example, reactors and HVDC transformers, are assembled and listed. A relevance index of importance for design and for service as well as the status of validation is given for all individual requirements (parameters). All parameters are assigned to one of the following categories:

General (physical / chemical)
Dielectric / Insulation
Thermal / Cooling
Ageing and Stability
Liquid-solid system
Material compatibility

The document is intended to serve as a general reference document for the transformer industry, including liquid suppliers as well as relevant scientific and technical bodies dealing with insulating liquids (materials).

Life cycle


IEC TR 60076-26:2020 ED1
60.60 Standard published
Mar 26, 2020

National adoptions

Power transformers - Part 26: Functional requirements of insulating liquids for use in power transformers

60.60 Standard published

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