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SSH EN 81-80:2003

Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Existing lifts - Part 80: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts

Sep 27, 2019
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard  

General information




European Norm





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1.1 This European Standard gives rules for improving existing lifts with the aim of reaching today's state of the art of general safety.
NOTE Due to situations such as the building design etc. it may not be possible in all cases to reach today's state of the art.
1.2 This standard has taken into consideration safety requirements of the directives listed in the Bibliography and of EN 81 series of the safety standards for lifts.
NOTE The EN 81-series of standards for particular applications can be used as a basis for improving safety of existing lifts, providing they have been officially accepted. However, not all clauses may apply or be "reasonably practicable" (see note to 1.3).
1.3 It is the responsibility of each national authority to apply this standard and to determine its own programme of implementation in a step by step process (see Annex A (normative)) in a reasonable and practicable way based on :
¾ the level of risk (e.g. extreme, high, medium, low) ;
¾ social and economic considerations.
NOTE "Reasonably practicable" is defined as follows : "In deciding what is reasonably practicable the seriousness of risk to injury should be weighted against the difficulty and cost of removing or reducing that risk. In considering the cost no allowance should be made for the size, nature or profitability of the business concerned. Where the difficulty and costs are high, and a careful assessment of the risk shows it to be comparatively unimportant, action may not need to be taken. On the other hand where the risk is high, action should be taken at whatever cost".
1.4 This standard includes the improvement of safety for :
a) users of passenger and goods passenger lifts ;
b) lift maintenance and inspection personnel ;
c) persons outside the well, machine room and the pulley room (if any) ;
d) any authorised persons.
1.5 Excluded from this standard are the following :
a) rack and pinions lifts, screw and chain lifts etc. ;
b) lifting appliances

Life cycle


SSH EN 81-80:2003
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard


SSH EN 81-80:2019

Related project

Adopted from EN 81-80:2003