Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 13816:2005

Transportation - Logistics and services - Public passenger transport - Service quality definition, targeting and measurement

Jun 1, 2005

General information

60.60     Jun 1, 2005


DPS/KT 224

European Norm

01.040.03     03.220.01  




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This European Standard specifies the requirement to define, target and measure quality of service in public passenger transport (PPT), and provides guidance for the selection of related measurement methods.
It is intended to be used by service providers in the presentation and monitoring of their services but is also recommended for use by authorities and agencies responsible for the procurement of PPT services in the preparation of invitations to tender.
Its use promotes the translation of customer expectations and perceptions of quality into viable, measurable, and manageable quality parameters.
It is recognized that a single individual or company, or two or more parties sharing the responsibility for the provision of a PPT service in co-operation (e.g. authority and operator) may, in practice, seek to comply with the standard. In the latter situation, it is strongly recommended that the relationship between the parties be governed by a formal agreement (clause 5.2).
It is important to note that it is the service, not the service provider, which is in compliance with the standard.
Annex A sets out the comprehensive list of quality criteria.
Annex B provides a glossary of terms.
Annex C deals with aspects of performance measurement.
The standard is intended to be applicable to PPT services, as defined in clause 2.1 but need not exclude other transport services (e.g. charter and taxi systems).

Life cycle


SSH EN 13816:2005
60.60 Standard published
Jun 1, 2005

Related project

Adopted from EN 13816:2002