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SSH EN 10164:2004

Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product - Technical delivery conditions

Oct 24, 2011

General information

60.60     Oct 24, 2011


DPS/KT 133

European Norm

77.140.50     77.140.70  




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This European Standard specifies through thickness properties and associated test methods for flat products and sections of steel.
This European Standard may be applied as a supplement to all product standards for flat products and sections of killed steels, except stainless steels. It covers products having a thickness between 15 mm and 400 mm inclusive of steels with a specified minimum upper yield strength ReH or proof strength Rp0,2 £ 960 MPa ) for which improved through thickness properties are required.
The application of this European Standard to other product thicknesses and other steel types shall be the subject of agreement at the time of the order.
See option 1.

Life cycle


SSH EN 10164:2004
60.60 Standard published
Oct 24, 2011

Related project

Adopted from EN 10164:2004


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