This document specifies a procedure for the determination of dry residue in ethanol by gravimetric (desiccation) method in the range (10 to 25) mg/100 ml.
NOTE In an interlaboratory study [2] the method described has been tested at levels down to 3,5 mg/100 ml, but the precision appeared to be insufficient at such low levels.
WARNING - Use of this document can involve hazardous equipment, materials and operations. This method does not purport to address to all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and health of personnel prior to the application of the document, and to fulfil statutory and regulatory restrictions for this purpose.
Directives related to this standards.
SSH EN 15691:2009
SSH EN 15691:2023
Standard published
May 24, 2024