Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 1993-1-12:2007

Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-12: Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700

General information

60.60     May 9, 2014


DPS/KT 250

European Norm

91.010.30     91.080.13  


(1) This EN 1993-1-12 gives rules that can be used in conjunction with parts - EN1993-1-1 - EN 1993-1-2 - EN 1993-1-3 - EN 1993-1-4 - EN 1993-1-5 - EN 1993-1-6 - EN 1993-1-7 - EN 1993-1-8 - EN 1993-1-9 - EN 1993-1-10 - EN 1993-1-11 - EN 1993-2 - EN 1993-3-1 - EN 1993-3-2 - EN 1993-4-1 - EN 1993-4-2 - EN 1993-4-3 - EN 1993-5 - EN 1993-6 to enable steel structures to be designed with steel of grades greater than S460 up to S700. (2) Where it is necessary to alter a rule in other parts to enable up to S700 to be used, it is stated what needs to be done, either by noting that a rule is not to be used with steel grades greater than S460, then giving the one that is required, or by giving an additional rule or rules.

Life cycle


SSH EN 1993-1-12:2007
60.60 Standard published
May 9, 2014