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DS CEN/TR 17698:2021

Ergonomics - Demands and availability of anthropometric and strength data of children in Europe

Jun 26, 2024

General information

60.60     Jun 26, 2024


DPS/KT 114

Technical Report





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This document contains guidance on identifying reliable sources of anthropometric and strength data published since 2000 for the European population under the age of 18 years. It does not contain the anthropometric data itself.
This document is intended to give guidance to the stakeholders such as the standard writers, designers and manufacturers of products for children on how to identify currently available sources of anthropometric data that are relevant to their needs in terms of age/gender groupings, types of anthropometric data. This document also identifies the lack of data for specific applications hence implicitly indicating caution for the stakeholders
This document also provides information about the sources of anthropometric data listed within it. This information includes:
- Date of survey;
- Organization who carried out the survey;
- Geographic limitations of the survey;
- Size and gender of the population measured or scanned;
- Types of anthropometric measurements included in them.
This document has two annexes
- Annex A: Definition of body measurements;
- Annex B: Existing data sources.

Life cycle


DS CEN/TR 17698:2021
60.60 Standard published
Jun 26, 2024

Related project

Adopted from CEN/TR 17698:2021 IDENTICAL