ISO 13318-2:2007 covers methods for determining the particle size distribution of particulate materials by means of centrifugal sedimentation in a liquid. Solids concentrations are determined by the transmission of a light beam. The resulting signal enables conversion to a particle size distribution.
The method of determining the particle size distribution described in ISO 13318-2:2007 is applicable to powders that can be dispersed in liquids, powders that are present in slurry form and some emulsions. Typical particle size range for analysis is from about 0,1 µm to 5 µm. The method is applicable to powders in which all particles have the same density and comparable shapes and do not undergo chemical or physical change in the suspension liquid. It is usually necessary that the particles have a density higher than that of the liquid.
SSH ISO 13318-2:2007
Standard published
Jul 6, 2022