(1) EN 1991-1-4 gives guidance on the determination of natural wind actions for the structural design of building and civil engineering works for each of the loaded areas under consideration. This includes the whole structure or parts of the structure or elements attached to the structure, e. g. components, cladding units and their fixings, safety and noise barriers.
(2) This part is applicable to buildings and civil engineering works with heights up to 300 m and bridges having no span greater than 200 m. This part is also applicable to structures less than 1 km offshore from the main coastline. For offshore structures more than 1 km from the main coastline, the terrain effects defined in this part do not apply
(3) This part is intended to predict characteristic wind actions on land-based structures, their components and appendages.This part does not give guidance on non-synoptic winds (e.g. thunderstorms, downbursts, microbursts, tornadoes, etc.), mixed wind climates, nor does it give guidance on how to account for local effects (e.g. thermal effects, funnelling, strong arctic thermal surface inversion, etc.).
(4)This standard addresses simplified procedures for dynamic effects, mostly based on the assumption of a dominant single-mode response. General criteria for performing a full dynamic analysis under aerodynamic excitation are not treated in this standard.
Directives related to this standards.
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
SSH EN 1991-1-4:2005
SSH EN 1991-1-4:2005/AK:2021
Standard published
Feb 19, 2021