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DS CEN/TR 17506:2020

Guidance on databases for human vibration

Apr 7, 2021

General information

60.60     Apr 7, 2021


DPS/KT 114

Technical Report





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The purpose of this document is to give guidelines for elaborating databases on human vibration for different purposes (emission or immission) and types of exposure (hand-arm vibration or whole-body vibration).
This document is restricted to cases where vibration affects persons at work. It is mainly addressed to competent services for the assessment of vibration exposure at the workplace and to national authorities and industrial organizations.
It defines basic requirements to get databanks respecting quality criteria (information to be given regarding exposure, reference standards, machines, persons, key parts, data origin and traceability) taken into account the type of exposure (HAV, WBV).
Although this document has been mainly designed to facilitate the exchange of data between experts, a section explains the minimum information to be provided and precautions to be taken for databases opened to public. The way the data should be formatted to facilitate the exchange between developers of databases is covered.
Also this document provides proper terminology to qualify the different families of vibration sources e.g. tools, machines and working conditions (see Annex B). This document provides a method for classifying the quality of vibration data.

Life cycle


DS CEN/TR 17506:2020
60.60 Standard published
Apr 7, 2021

Related project

Adopted from CEN/TR 17506:2020