Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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prSSH EN ISO 16484-6:2020

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 6: Data communication conformance testing (ISO 16484-6:2020)

General information

10.99     Jan 25, 2023


DPS/KT 104

European Norm

35.240.67     91.140.01  


This standard provides a comprehensive set of procedures for verifying the correct implementation of each capability claimed on a BACnet PICS including: (a) support of each claimed BACnet service, either as an initiator, executor, or both, (b) support of each claimed BACnet object-type, including both required properties and each claimed optional property, (c) support of the BACnet network layer protocol, (d) support of each claimed data link option, and (e) support of all claimed special functionality.

Life cycle


prSSH EN ISO 16484-6:2020
10.99 New project approved
Jan 25, 2023