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DS CEN/TR 15868:2018

Survey on provisions valid in the place of use used in conjunction with the European concrete standard and developing practice

Nov 6, 2019

General information

60.60     Jul 15, 2019


DPS/KT 104

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This CEN Report provides a summary of provisions valid in the place of use used with EN 206:2013. The aims of this CEN Report are to:
a) provide a picture of how EN 206:2013 is being applied in practice;
b) identify areas where EN 206 is being interpreted in different ways;
c) identify areas where CEN Member Countries have found simplification to be necessary;
d) identify where the options listed in EN 206:2013, Annex M to have provisions valid in the place of use have been taken up;
e) identify other clauses in EN 206 where CEN Member Countries have amended or added to the requirements;
f) identify areas within the scope of concrete production and supply not covered by EN 206, but covered by national provisions;
g) identify developing practice that may lead to a need for standardization in the future.
EN 206 uses the phrase ‘provisions valid in the place of use’. This survey uses the term ‘provisions valid in the place of use’ to include regulations, standards and other documents that form the basis of local practice.
As a summary of national requirements, the information in this CEN Report is incomplete and may have been subject to later revisions, particularly if the entry was based on information in CEN/TR15868: 2009. It is insufficient and not intended to provide the basis for design and specification: for this the national requirements (see Table 2) should be studied.
Table 2 identifies CEN Member Countries who did not respond to the questionnaire. The other tables in this CEN Report only include information from CEN Member Countries, or in the view of the authors, the information in CEN/TR 15868:2009 is still likely to be valid.

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DS CEN/TR 15868:2009


DS CEN/TR 15868:2018
60.60 Standard published
Jul 15, 2019

Related project

Adopted from FprCEN/TR 15868