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SSH IEC 60404-7:2019

Magnetic materials - Part 7: Method of measurement of the coercivity (up to 160 kA/m) of magnetic materials in an open magnetic circuit

Apr 25, 2019

General information

60.60     Feb 4, 2019



International Standard

17.220.20     29.030  




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IEC 60404-7:2019 specifies a method of measurement of the coercivity of magnetic materials in an open magnetic circuit. This document is applicable to all magnetic materials with coercivities from 0,2 A/m to 160 kA/m.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
Clause 1: The scope includes a more detailed description of the magnetic materials which applies to this standard;
Clause 4: Figure 2 – circuit diagram for methods A and B was simplified and the fluxgate probes inside the solenoid have been added;
Clause 7: Compensation for the earth’s magnetic field and for static and dynamic magnetic noise fields has been added;
Clause 8: Magnetic shielding of the measuring region has been added;
9.2.2: The measuring methods for local and integral measurement of the flux in the test specimen have been separated and the limitations in size and shape of the test specimen have been considered.
9:3: The method C with a VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer) has been moved from 9.3 to the Annex B.
The term "complex shaped test specimen" has been replaced in several clauses by "test specimen different from ellipsoids".
The character of Annex A has been changed from “informative” to “normative”.

Life cycle


SSH IEC 60404-7:2019
60.60 Standard published
Feb 4, 2019

Related project

Adopted from IEC 60404-7:2019 ED2 IDENTICAL

Adopted from IEC 60404-7 Ed. 1.0 b