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SSH ISO 13612-2:2014

Heating and cooling systems in buildings — Method for calculation of the system performance and system design for heat pump systems — Part 2: Energy calculation

Feb 22, 2016

General information

60.60     Feb 22, 2016


DPS/KT 269

International Standard

27.080     91.040.01  




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ISO 13612 is applicable to heat pumps for space heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters (HPWH), and heat pumps with combined space heating and/or cooling and domestic hot water production, in alternate or simultaneous operation, where the same heat pump is used for space heating and domestic hot water heating.
ISO 13612-2:2014 provides a calculation method under steady conditions that corresponds to one calculation step.
The results of this calculation are incorporated in larger building models and take into account the influence of the external conditions and building control that influence the energy requirements for heating and cooling supplied by the heat pump system.
ISO 13612-2:2014 specifies the required inputs, calculation methods, and required outputs for output thermal power generation for space heating and cooling and domestic hot water production of the following heat pump systems, including control: electrically driven vapour compression cycle (VCC) heat pumps; combustion engine-driven vapour compression cycle heat pumps; thermally driven vapour absorption cycle (VAC) heat pumps; using combinations of heat source and heat distribution.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 13612-2:2014
60.60 Standard published
Feb 22, 2016

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Adopted from ISO 13612-2:2014