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SSH EN 12929-1:2015

Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - General requirements - Part 1: Requirements for all installations

Sep 21, 2015

General information

60.60     Jul 20, 2015


DPS/KT 114

European Norm





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1 General
1.1 Scope
This part of EN 12929 specifies the safety requirements for the general requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons. These requirements are applied to the various types of installations and their environment.
This document defines general technical characteristics and prescribes design principles and general safety requirements.
It does not deal with details of operation and maintenance, nor with calculations and detailed requirements for the manufacture of components.
This Part 1 does not deal with special regulations applicable to bi-cable reversible aerial ropeways without carrier truck brakes, which are the subject of Part 2.
It includes requirements relating to the prevention of accidents and the protection of workers.
It does not apply to cableway installations for transportation of goods or to lifts.
Clause 11 describes the minimum requirements to be normatively satisfied for passageways and work areas. National regulations of a building or federal/state nature or which serve to protect particular groups of people remain unaffected.
It may not always be possible for all types of cableway installation to transport all particular groups of people (e.g. persons with restricted mobility). The objective should be, however, for a cableway installation to enable the transportation of the largest possible passenger population.
1.2 General principles
1.2.1 Stringent safety requirements are of the utmost importance for the design, manufacture, erection, maintenance and operation of cableway installations.
The design, manufacture, erection, maintenance and operation of cableways shall only be entrusted to contractors and experts who have the necessary knowledge and experience and who can ensure careful execution of the installation and proper management of the operation.
All the components shall be calculated exactly, be of a good mechanical and electrical design and be manufactured from adequate, defect-free materials possessing the required characteristics.
1.2.2 All components shall be kept in working order and in good condition. Reference is made to EN 1709 and EN 12397.
1.2.3 In addition to the European Standards specific to cableway installations, the relevant European specifications shall be used for the design, manufacture, erection, maintenance and operation of cableways.
1.2.4 This document takes into account, in certain cases, the careless behaviour of passengers. In all cases, use of the cableway in accordance with its intended use is assumed and not misuse of the installation.
1.3 Exceptions
1.3.1 Exceptions to the requirements of Standards EN 1709, EN 1908, EN 1909, EN 12385-8, EN 12385-9, EN 12397, EN 12927, EN 12929-1, EN 12929-2, EN 12930, EN 13107, EN 13223, EN 13243, EN 13796-1, EN 13796-2 and EN 13796-3 are permissible, particularly in the case of innovation, if they are justified by a safety analysis and offer at least an equivalent level of safety.
1.3.2 Exceptions to this Standard are also permissible in the case of replacement of components in existing installations.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Cableway installations designed to carry persons


REGULATION (EU) 2016/424 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2016 on cableway installations and repealing Directive 2000/9/EC

Life cycle


SSH EN 12929-1:2007


SSH EN 12929-1:2015
60.60 Standard published
Jul 20, 2015

Related project

Adopted from EN 12929-1:2015