IEC 61481-2:2014 is applicable to portable phase comparators of resistive type to be used on electrical systems for voltages from 1 kV a.c. to 36 kV a.c. and frequencies of 50 Hz and/or 60 Hz. This standard is applicable to phase comparators of resistive type used in contact with the bare conductive parts to be compared as a complete device including its insulating element or as a separate device, adaptable to an insulating stick which, as a separate tool, is not covered by this standard. A device that is designed to provide other functions than phase comparison is a different device and is not covered by this standard. For example a device designed to be also used as a voltage detector is not covered by this standard. This first edition, together with the first edition of IEC 61481-1, cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61481 published in 2001, Amendment 1:2002 and Amendment 2:2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision which includes the following major changes:
- split of the standard in two parts;
- review of the requirements for indication;
- elimination of class C (+/- 110°);
- introduction of a requirement for a new marking "LU" for limited use;
- increase of the specified range of voltage fluctuation in a network for clear indication;
- and revision of the existing annexes.
SSH EN 61481:2001
SSH EN 61481:2001/A1:2002
SSH EN 61481:2001/A2:2005
SSH EN 61481-2:2014
Standard published
Jul 16, 2015