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SSH IEC 61340-4-8:2014

Electrostatics - Part 4-8: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic discharge shielding - Bags

Jun 3, 2015

General information

60.60     Jan 12, 2015



International Standard

29.020     17.200.99  




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IEC 61340-4-8:2014 provides a test method for evaluating the performance of electrostatic discharge shielding bags tested according to the requirements of IEC 61340-5-3. The design voltage for the test apparatus is 1 000 V d.c. The test method presented in this standard can also be applied to packaging other than shielding bags. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that testing laboratories who use this test method to evaluate a given packaging material will obtain similar results. This standard does not address protection from electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio frequency interference (RFI), electromagnetic pulsing (EMP) nor protection against volatile materials. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:<br /> a) modification to the title to include the word "Electrostatic" before discharge shielding";<br /> b) removal of normative references ANSI/ESD STM5.1 and ASTM D-257-78 and replaced by normative references IEC 61340-3-1 and IEC 60093;<br /> c) new normative reference to IEC 61340-5-3 added, because the requirement for shielding bags have been included in this standard;<br /> d) imperial units have been removed.

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SSH IEC 61340-4-8:2014
60.60 Standard published
Jan 12, 2015

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Adopted from IEC 61340-4-8 Ed. 2.0 b