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DS CEN/TR 16690:2014

Electronic fee collection - Guidelines for EFC applications based on in-vehicle ITS stations

Jun 26, 2015

General information

60.60     Jun 26, 2015


DPS/KT 224

Technical Report





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This Technical Report (TR) contains an analysis of the technical and operational feasibility of using a generic ITS Station as specified in ETSI EN 302 665, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Communications Architecture, for EFC applications compliant to the requirements specified in ISO 17573, EN ISO 12855, CEN ISO/TS 17575 (all parts), EN ISO 14906, EN 15509, CEN ISO/TS 12813, CEN ISO/TS 13141 and CEN/TS 16439.
The scope of this Technical Report includes:
- description of the context of Cooperative ITS and the ITS Stations;
- providing details of the context of EFC applications;
- outlining the basic architectural concepts and role model of both EFC and Cooperative ITS;
- identification of core requirement areas for operation of an EFC application on an ITS Station;
- specification of a set of recommendations for functional, operational and security requirements to the ITS Station supporting the EFC application(s);
- description of a possible role model in which the roles known in EFC applications make use of the roles in the C-ITS system in order to provide EFC services in an C-ITS context;
- provision of considerations in particular areas of EFC like certification and governances;
- guideless and recommendations for further standardization work in this area;
- emphasising on security related elements of EFC that need to be considered in a C-ITS environment.
The scope of this Technical Report is limited to in-vehicle ITS Stations. However, an EFC service always requires the involvement of in-vehicle and central functionalities. Furthermore, for enforcement purposes as well as in DSRC based toll domains for toll charging purposes also, it is essential that road-side based functions are provided and operated. In order to facilitate EFC services a set of functionalities, tasks and responsibilities are defined and specified in an EFC role model (ISO 17573). These functionalities, tasks and responsibilities are shared between the roles Toll Charger, Toll Service Provider, Road User and Interoperability Management. All these roles interact with each other. As a consequence this Technical Report provides in various areas explanations that are beyond the in-vehicle environment. This is required in order to present the full environment and context. It keeps the readability of this document at a sound level and provides valuable information to those readers which are not yet familiar with EFC in detail.
Outside the scope of this Technical Report is:
- detailed technical specifications for EFC services and applications on C-ITS systems;
- implementation specific elements.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Directive 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the Community (Text with EEA relevance)

Life cycle


DS CEN/TR 16690:2014
60.60 Standard published
Jun 26, 2015

Related project

Adopted from CEN/TR 16690:2014