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SSH EN 60507:2014

Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage ceramic and glass insulators to be used on a.c. systems

Nov 21, 2014

General information

60.60     Jun 24, 2014



European Norm





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IEC 60507:2013 is applicable for the determination of the power frequency withstand characteristics of ceramic and glass insulators to be used outdoors and exposed to polluted atmospheres, on a.c. systems with the highest voltage of the system greater than 1 000 V. These tests are not directly applicable to polymeric insulators, to greased insulators or to special types of insulators (insulators with semiconducting glaze or covered with any organic insulating material). The object of this International Standard is to prescribe procedures for artificial pollution tests applicable to insulators for overhead lines, substations and traction lines and to bushings. It may also be applied to hollow insulators with suitable precautions to avoid internal flashover. In applying these procedures to apparatus incorporating hollow insulators, the relevant technical committees should consider their effect on any internal equipment and the special precautions which may be necessary. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Corrections and the addition of explanatory material; b) The addition of Clause 4.3.2 on atmospheric correction; c) The change of the upper limit of conductivity of water to 0.1 S/m; and d) The extension to UHV voltages.

Life cycle


SSH IEC 60507:1993


SSH EN 60507:2014
60.60 Standard published
Jun 24, 2014

Related project

Adopted from EN 60507:2014