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SSH EN 60335-2-30:2009/AC:2010

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters

Sep 30, 2011

General information

60.60     Sep 30, 2011



Pure national standard

97.100.10     13.120  




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IEC 60335-2-30:2009(E) Deals with the safety of electric room heaters for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. Examples of appliances that are included are:<br /> - convection heaters;<br /> - fan heaters;<br /> - heaters for greenhouses;<br /> - liquid-filled radiators;<br /> - panel heaters;<br /> - radiant heaters;<br /> - tubular heaters;<br /> - ceiling mounted heat lamp appliances.<br /> The principal changes in this edition as compared with the fourth edition of IEC 60335-2-30 are as follows:<br /> - some additional instructions are introduced for heaters without a built-in thermostat,<br /> - or those installed in the floor or in a bathroom (7.12 and 7.12.1);<br /> - a spillage test is introduced for appliances having a grille and<br /> - that are built into the floor (15.2).<br /> The attention of National Committees is drawn to the fact that equipment manufacturers and testing organizations may need a transitional period following publication of a new, amended or revised IEC publication in which to make products in accordance with the new requirements and to equip themselves for conducting new or revised tests. It is the recommendation of the committee that the content of this publication be adopted for implementation nationally not earlier than 12 months or later than 36 months from the date of publication.

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SSH EN 60335-2-30:2009/AC:2010
60.60 Standard published
Sep 30, 2011