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SSH EN 12813:2004

Temporary works equipment - Load bearing towers of prefabricated components - Particular methods of structural design

Nov 26, 2010

General information

60.60     Nov 26, 2010


DPS/KT 288

European Norm





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This European Standard describes methods for establishing structural data for stiffness and resistance by calculation supported by tests for load bearing towers made of prefabricated components of steel or aluminium alloy. The vertical load capacity is established, both with or without horizontal loads and with the top restrained or free.
This European Standard specifies two methods of analysis, by first order theory, or by second order theory.
NOTE For definitions and requirements relating to structures and materials of the structure, specifications and loads, see EN 12812.
The European Standard is not intended for towers constructed with tubes and couplers: it is expected that they will be designed in accordance with EN 12812.

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SSH EN 12813:2004
60.60 Standard published
Nov 26, 2010

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Adopted from EN 12813:2004