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SSH EN 13890:2009

Workplace exposure - Procedures for measuring metals and metalloids in airborne particles - Requirements and test methods

Nov 30, 2010

General information

60.60     Jan 1, 2009


DPS/KT 305

European Norm





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This European Standard specifies performance requirements and test methods for the evaluation of procedures for measuring metals and metalloids in airborne particles sampled onto a suitable collection substrate, e.g. a filter.
This European Standard specifies a method for estimating the uncertainties associated with random and systematic errors and combining them to calculate the expanded uncertainty of the measuring procedure as a whole, as prescribed in EN 482.
This European Standard is applicable to measuring procedures in which sampling and analysis is carried out in separate stages, but it does not specify performance requirements for collection, transport and storage of samples, since these are dealt with in EN 13205 and ISO 15767.
This European Standard is not applicable to procedures for measuring metals or metalloids present as inorganic gases or vapours, e.g. mercury, arsenic (see EN 838 and EN 1076), or to procedures for measuring metals and metalloids in compounds that could be present as a particle/vapour mixture, e.g. arsenic trioxide.

Life cycle


SSH EN 13390:2003

SSH EN 13890:2005


SSH EN 13890:2009
60.60 Standard published
Jan 1, 2009

Related project

Adopted from EN 13890:2009