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DS CEN/TS 15901-4:2009

Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 4: Procedure for determining the skid resistance of pavements using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCT): Tatra Runway Tester (TRT)

Oct 21, 2010

General information

60.60     Oct 21, 2010


DPS/KT 336

Technical Specification





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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of pavements by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCT.
The method provides a measure of the skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a continuous reading braked test wheel with a slip ratio of 25 % (standard) or a variable slip between 0 % to 100 % (for research measurements).
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled load and constant speed conditions. The measured values can be affected by the test speed.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Tatra Runway Tester (TRT).
The acronym Tatra Runway Tester (TRT) applies to a device, developed by Tatra Kopřivnice in the Czech Republic to perform routine, continuous measurements of friction for long road sections or punctual measurements at different speeds to characterise a particular section. It is not manufactured under license.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the TRT and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification may also be used for the tests.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required, the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473-1.

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DS CEN/TS 15901-4:2009
60.60 Standard published
Oct 21, 2010

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Adopted from CEN/TS 15901-4:2009


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