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DS CEN/TS 15901-2:2009

Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 2: Procedure for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCRNL): ROAR (Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter)

Oct 21, 2010

General information

60.60     Jan 1, 2009


DPS/KT 336

Technical Specification





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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet road skid resistance of a surface by measuring the LFCRNL using the Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter (ROAR).
In addition to the friction measurement also measurements of pavement texture may be performed.
The method provides friction coefficient measurements of pavements by using a hydraulically braked test wheel at a pre set slip ratio, which may be fixed from 5 % to 95 %. Default value for the Netherlands is 86 %.
The standard test tyre is dragged over a pre wetted pavement under controlled load and speed conditions while its running direction is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement.
To determine the macrotexture of the pavement a laser system is used. This system is placed in front of the towing vehicle in order to measure the macrotexture on dry pavements and on the same path as the skid resistance measurement is done. The standard for this measurement and the used measuring device are well described in EN ISO 13473-1 and ISO 13473-2.

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DS CEN/TS 15901-2:2009
60.60 Standard published
Jan 1, 2009

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Adopted from CEN/TS 15901-2:2009


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