This Report provides guidance for the evaluation of electromagnetic fields around power transformers. This Report applies to power transformers covered by EN 60076 series with the following characteristics: - apparent rating P: 5 kVA P 1 000 MVA - insulating level, according to EN 60076-3: • high voltage winding: Um from 7,2 kV to 525 kV • low voltage winding: Um up to 525 kV Reactors are excluded from the present Report. Continuous conducted and radiated emissions are considered for power transformers operating under nominal working conditions of voltage and current. Fault conditions and low occurrence transient events, such as - short-circuits, - lightning and switching transients, - overloads (inrush currents, etc.), - overvoltages, - tap-changer operations, are not considered as normal working conditions. Immunity conditions are considered to ensure the power transformer operates as intended in its normal working environment. The immunity capability of the power transformer is considered for steady state and transient working conditions.
DS CLC/TR 50453:2007
Standard published
Jan 1, 2008