This Technical Report outlines practicable measures for the reduction and control of exposure to whole-body vibration at workplaces in order to provide a practical professional aid to workplace managers and health and safety officers. It covers identification and reduction of health risks from exposure to hazardous machinery vibration at the particular workplace, corresponding to Articles 4, 5 and 6 in the EU Directive 2002/44/EC, including
- identification of main sources of whole-body vibration at the workplace,
- formulation of a strategy for minimising and control of vibration exposure and
- implementation of the strategy.
NOTE Although the term vibration covers continuous vibration and transient vibration (shocks), in this Technical Report shocks are referred to in special cases where they require special attention.
This Technical Report is not concerned with hand-arm vibration which is covered by CR 1030-2.
DS CEN/TS 15172-2:2005
Standard published
Jan 28, 2008