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SSH EN ISO 3743-2:2005

Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields - Part 2: Methods for special reverberation test rooms (ISO 3743-2:1994)

Jan 1, 2005
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Apr 28, 2010

General information

95.99     Apr 28, 2010


DPS/KT 211

European Norm





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This part of ISO 3743 specifies a relatively simple engineering method for determining the sound power levels of small, movable noise sources. The measurements are carried out when the source is installed in a specially designed room having a specified reverberation time over the frequency range of interest. The A-weighted sound power level of the source under test is determined from a single A-weighted sound pressure level measurement at each microphone position, rather than from a summation of octave-band levels. This direct method eliminates the need for a reference sound source, but requires the use of a special reverberation test room. The direct method is based on the premise that the sound pressure level, averaged in space and time in the test room, can be used to determine the sound power level emitted by the source. The properties of the special reverberation test room are chosen so that the room's influence on the sound power output of the equipment under test is small. The number of microphone positions and source locations required in the test room are specified. Guidelines for the design of special reverberation rooms are given in annex B. In addition to the directi method, a comparison method is also described (see 8.3). However, since the requirements on the test room for the comparison method of ISO 3743-1 are considerably less restrictive, it is recommended that the comparison method of ISO 3743-1 be used if a special reverberation test room is not available. Note: Precision methods for the determination of the sound power levels of small noise sources are specified in ISO 3741 and ISO 3745.

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SSH EN ISO 3743-2:2005
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Apr 28, 2010


SSH EN ISO 3743-2:2009

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Adopted from EN ISO 3743-2:1996