Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 12874:2004

Flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use

Jan 1, 2004
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Apr 17, 2015

General information

95.99     Apr 17, 2015


DPS/KT 114

European Norm





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This standard specifies the requirements for flame arresters which prevent flame transmission when flammable gas/air- or vapour/air-mixtures are present. It establishes uniform principles for the classification, basic construction and marking of flame arresters and specifies test methods to verify the safety requirements and determine safe limits of use. This standard does not cover the following:
- External safety-related measurement and control equipment which may be required to keep the operational conditions within the established safe limits. - Flame arresters used for explosive mixtures of vapours and gases, which tend to self-decompose (e.g
acetylene) or which are chemically unstable. - Flame arresters used for carbon disulphide due to its special properties. - Flame arresters used for gas or vapour mixtures containing more than the atmospheric oxygen concentration. - Flame arrester test procedures for internal combustion, compression ignition engines. Refer to EN 1834-1 and EN 1834-2. The safety factors incorporated into the tests specified in this standard mean that the uncertainty of measurement inherent in good quality, regularly calibrated measurement equipment is not considered to have any significant detrimental effect on the results and need not be taken into account when making the measurements necessary to verify compliance of the flame arrester with the requirements of this standard.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)


Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 24 September 2008 on the inland transport of the dangerous goods

Life cycle


SSH EN 12874:2004
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Apr 17, 2015


SSH EN ISO 16852:2010

Related project

Adopted from EN 12874:2001