Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 259-1:2001

Wallcoverings in roll form - Heavy duty wallcoverings - Part 1: Specifications

Dec 29, 2006

General information

60.60     Dec 29, 2006


DPS/KT 134

European Norm





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This European Standard :
- specifies requirements for dimensions, washability, impact resistance and grades of colour fastness to light, and for the maximum migration of heavy metals and certain other elements, the vinyl chloride monomer content and formaldehyde release,
- establishes the method of marking,
- gives a designation system.
The marking requirements of this standard are primarily for the information of the consumer to enable optimum use of the product.
This standard applies to heavy duty wallcoverings supplied in rolls for hanging on walls and ceilings by means of an adhesive covering the whole of the interface between the wallcovering and the support and that are not intended to be decorated after hanging.
Excluded from this standard are rigid materials, materials not attached or not wholly attached by adhesive, wallcoverings for subsequent decoration, textile wallcoverings and non-decorative wallcoverings such as wall linings or those with special properties, e.g. thermal or acoustic insulation.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Construction products


Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec

Life cycle


SSH EN 259-1:2001
60.60 Standard published
Dec 29, 2006

Related project

Adopted from EN 259-1:2001