Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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DPS has published the SSH standard EN 60675:1995/A11:2019 “Directly operated household electric room heaters - Methods for measuring performance”

The standard applies to direct-acting electric room heaters. They may be portable, stationary, fixed or built-in. It does not apply to: - room heaters for thermal storage; - heating appliances incorporated into the building structure; - central heating systems. It defines the essential performance characteristics of direct-acting room heaters and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics and for providing information to users.