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Cen published the New European Tourism COVID-19 safety seal

Are you looking forward to serene and well-deserved summer holidays abroad, after the long months of lockdowns?

The seal is set out by two CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs) as part of the 5643 series, developed by the CEN Workshop EUROSAFETOUR.

This package of documents was developed in response to a request received from the European Commission and consists of two parts:

  1. CWA 5643-1 ‘Tourism and related services – Requirements and guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the tourism industry’;

  2. CWA 5643-2 ‘Tourism and related services – Requirements and guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the tourism industry – European visual identity’.
    CWA 5643-2

In collaboration with ISO (the International Organization for Standardization), CEN adopted ISO/PAS 5643 and turned it into the first part of this series.

This part establishes requirements and recommendations for tourist organizations to prevent the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and protect their employees’ health from COVID-19 and to provide safer tourist services and products to tourist and residents.

Furthermore, the second part provides a visual identity to be displayed by European tourism establishments and services, in accordance with CWA 5643-1, and provides requirements and guidance on the use of the visual identity.

The ‘European Tourism COVID-19 Safety Seal’ comes in time for the summer season and can improve safety procedures in tourism businesses and increase the trust of travellers and tourists who choose the EU as a destination.

Together with the European Commission, CEN firmly believes the ‘European Tourism COVID-19 Safety Seal’ will be a vital tool for the safe reopening of the tourism sector and to restore the trust of consumers.

Cen published the New European tourism COVID-19 safety seal

Cen published the New European tourism COVID-19 safety seal

On 19 May, CEN made available the 'European Tourism COVID-19 Safety Seal'.