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Busbar bushings up to 1 kV and from 1,25 kA to 5 kA, for liquid filled transformers
60.60 Standard published
Evaluation of electromagnetic fields around power transformers
60.60 Standard published
Rules for the determination of uncertainties in the measurement of the losses on power transformers and reactors
60.60 Standard published
Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 1: HV bushing for traction transformers
60.60 Standard published
Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 2: Pump for insulating liquid for traction transformers and reactors
60.60 Standard published
Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 3: Water pump for traction converters
60.60 Standard published
Railway applications - Mounted parts of the traction transformer and cooling system - Part 4: Gas and liquid actuated (Buchholz) relay for liquid immersed transformers and reactors with conservator for rail vehicles
60.60 Standard published
Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2: Transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or low-voltage side - General requirements for transformers with rated power less than or equal to 3 150 kVA
60.60 Standard published
Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 3: Transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 1 for use on transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50588-2
60.60 Standard published
Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 4: Transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 2 for use on transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50588-2
60.60 Standard published
Energy performance of large power transformers (Um > 36 kV or Sr ≥ 40 MVA)
60.60 Standard published
Energy performance of large power transformers (Um > 36 kV or Sr ≥ 40 MVA)
60.60 Standard published
Energy performance of large power transformers (Um > 36 kV or Sr ≥ 40 MVA)
60.60 Standard published
Power transformers - Additional European requirements: Part 1-1: Common part - General requirements
60.60 Standard published
Power transformers - Additional European requirements: Part 1-2 Common part - Assessment of energy performance
60.60 Standard published
Power transformers - Additional European requirements: Part 1-1: Common part - General requirements
60.60 Standard published
Power transformers - Additional European requirements: Part 2-1 Medium power transformer - General requirements
60.60 Standard published